the end is nigh

CAB is heading into the lull that is November. Save That 70’s Night on Saturday, November is quiet for us. This means a couple of things…

1. We all need a break. Including you. This last month of school can and will be the most stressful for most people. It wouldn’t do much good to host event for the tired and weary. So let’s all hit the books and finish up right so that Mistletoe Mingle is a true celebration of a job well done.

2. We need some serious prep time for next semester. While most all of our spring events are traditional and straightforward (Spring Formal, Bakertree, etc.), November is a good time to get our thoughts collected and for you to do the same. Please feel free to attend our meetings (Wednesdays, 6:15pm, the Senate Office) or contact us individually to voice your concerns and creativity for not only next semester but in the year to come.

3. CAB Director elections. If you (or anyone you know is interested in being seriously involved with CAB, send them our way. Rather, have them pick up a candidate packet outside of the Senate Office in the Mailroom and turn it in by November 9th. Speeches are on November 15th and the elections are on the 16th. Encourage those around you who you know would be a great asset to CAB to talk to one of us!

All of that said, we’ll be back soon.

Thanks to all of you who have been a serious help at the events we’ve had the joy of hosting this semester. Set up and tear down are so much easier with all of your willing hands.

See you around!

– Kaia


Greetings CAB fans! Going with the theme of quality over quantity, there will essentially only be 2 major concerts this school year. The first will be in November. In lieu of a full out student artists series, CAB presents ’70s Night.’ This awesome event will provide a platform for any Covenant artists to cover songs written in the 1970s. We’ll open the door to the richest era of classic rock, to great folk covers, to disco, funk, and beyond! We can’t wait to see what Covenant artists have up their sleeves for this unique evening of covers.
Next semester, we hope to expand Bakertree Festival into a two-day blowout. This will include tons of time slots for student artists to show their stuff on a state of the art stage/sound system, a massive dance party on the chapel lawn, the traditional set up of booths for vendors and food, and hopefully a big name artists to finish things out. We’ll keep you posted as new information becomes available.
Looking forward to a great year!
John Drexler


My name is Hannah Copeland and I’ll be this year’s Community Coordinator.  I’m a sophomore at Covenant this year majoring in Community Development and Music.  I’m so excited to be a part of CAB and to help facilitate some great events this year!

So what exactly does a Community Coordinator do?  Honestly, I didn’t exactly know when I first applied for the position.  I’m pretty sure I just thought, “well, I like making lists and I’m a Community Development major, so this should work.”  Since then, I’ve come to learn that the Community Coordinator’s job is to strengthen the Covenant community through on-campus events such as Jazz on the Overlook, Midnight Madness, Bakertree Festival, Scots Fan Days…to name a few.

The first big on campus event coming up is going to be Jazz on the Overlook.  For any of you who have been to this event before, it’s a great night of live big band music, swing dancing, food, and friends, all on the overlook (in case the event name didn’t tip you off).  This was one of my favorite events last year, so I’m excited to keep up a great tradition, have some great food, and add some new details that will hopefully make the evening all the more lovely!

So let’s talk about Scots Fan Days…honestly, something’s gotta give.  A goal of mine this coming year is to make Scots Fan Days something everyone looks forward to coming out for. For me, having fun is usually contingent on food and friends, which is really not too complicated.  These elements (plus others!) will be part of Scots Fan Days, so be sure to come out and bring some friends.  It’ll be great!

I would love to see Covenant on-campus events be ones that reflect not just the Community Coordinator’s ideas or interests, but ones that reflect what the Covenant Community is passionate about, so be sure to holla at yo girl if you see me around and let me know of any ideas you have for Covenant on-campus events!


Hello, everyone! My name is Liz Somerville, and I am the Communications Coordinator for the Campus Activities Board. I’m a Junior this year, so it is really exciting to advertise for events that I’ve enjoyed these past few years. My job includes making the event posters and advertisements, updating the CAB Facebook and Blog, and making sure that y’all know what events are coming up! I have always been somewhat creative, so this job seemed like a great fit for me. I love finding inspiration for my posters in unique places – such as the cereal aisle in the grocery store, or the fabric bin at a thrift store. I would love to get even more inspiration from other students, so please let me know if any of you ever have ideas for our advertisements!


CAB has some awesome events coming up this semester, so remember to be on the lookout for the event posters and information in the months to come.


In addition to ideas about our advertisements, please let me know if you have any thoughts, questions, or concerns about Campus Activities Board! I would love to get to know y’all – please say hello when you see me around campus, and feel free to shoot me an e-mail!

Special Events

Hey there! Rachael here. I’m the Special Events Chair for CAB this year and I couldn’t be more psyched. With this title comes the responsibility of organizing events such as Kilter, Mistletoe Mingle, 80s Skate Night, and Spring Formal. I’ll be graduating after this year and one of the possible avenues I’ll take after college is event planning. It’s because of this that I was initially drawn to work with CAB. I’ve been in charge of and helped plan various events during my time at Covenant, but none to the scale of CABs. With that said, please don’t let the title fool you. This is a tremendous learning experience for me and the biggest thing I’ve already learned is that I need you. I need your input, feedback, creativity, talent, eyes, ears, etc. I would hate to go through the year planning these events without seeking out wisdom of those who are actually attending it.

During my year on CAB I hope to pull off some pretty rockin’ events, obviously. But I’m shooting for so much more than that. I want to help create something that’s meaningful; I want these events to foster community and deepen relationships. I also want to step outside the box and do things that have never been done for- new venues, themes, etc. So if there’s something you’ve been wanting to see happen please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts.

I’m excited for the year ahead and I hope I don’t screw up too badly.


Project: SPEAK UP

Hello, again! If you’re in the states right now you’re probably getting rained on. It’s been a thundery couple days here on Lookout Mountain and it looks like things aren’t going to be changing much over this next week. I’m hoping this means we’ll have a dry and sunny school year – which I am totally okay with.

My reason for writing today is to clue you in on a project I (and your trusty Communications Chair, Liz Somerville) are taking on. I’ve informally named this project SPEAK UP. I’ve named it this because I’ve come to realize how important the voice is in our process of planning, correcting, growing, and learning. We need your voices and the voices of those outside of our circle…

First, the inspiration. One thing I worry about as a CAB director now is “measuring up”…there are two ways in which I feel concern for this. First, I want to make sure I measure up to the dreams and ideas of the student body. They are, after all, why we exist. Secondly, I worry that we measure up to other schools – both identical in student body size or by Christian background…or by none of that at all. I think there could be a lot to gain from learning how other schools (like us and unlike us) are planning events and running events at their schools.

Second, our response. We’re attempting to get in touch with a number of schools across the nation by way of their student leaders. We’ve comprised a list of over thirty schools that we’re hoping to touch base with. The schools we’ve included are: Purdue University, Valparaiso University, Pepperdine, King’s College, Wheaton, Carroll University, Dordt College, University of San Diego, Spalding University, Azusa Pacific University, Biola University, Le Tourneau University, Erskine College, Grove City, Bethel University, and many more.

Think we’re missing someone? Let us know.

Want to share your own voice for the SPEAK UP Project? Speak up! The second wave of this project will involve the voices of our own student body here at Covenant and I am looking forward to hearing what has to be said. Many of you took surveys at the end of last semester, but that only represented a percentage of you. We’ll be asking about the quality of our events, the mood, the success, the advertising, the cost, the venue, the variety. Everything. Volunteer to give your opinion (difficult, I know) by sending us an email ( or contacting me directly ( And instead of relying only on the volunteered voices, we’ll be contacting a number of you in order to make sure we’re getting input from a diverse group of people.

All in all, I’m hoping that this will help to open my eyes to the needs and desires of the student body so that you get what you want and what you didn’t expect. College, after all, is about trying new things, right?

Wishing you the best,


Get excited!

I’ve been thinking about this idea of communication, and how I want to make sure it happens. Not just between those who serve on CAB, but between those on CAB and those not. Sounds pretty easy, right? Oh yeah, of course. Communication is always (a) easy, (b) effortless, and (b) productive. Ahhhh, not so much. But communication can be. I figure that one of the simplest ways to open up conversation is to get out into the open our purpose in light of our responsibilities in reporting back to Student Senate. That just means…here are our bylaws, see what we do. And we’ll go from there. Hold us accountable! I want that.

Okay, I’m going to try to make this simple. Which means I’m going to preserve all of the original text (see the SACC bylaws) and add my own thoughts to it, as indicated (bolded). Here it goes!

Bylaw D – Campus Activities Board
Section 1—Purpose of Campus Activities Board

The Campus Activities Board (CAB) exists to provide quality campus programming which reflects the purpose and goals of SACC and Covenant College, and which appeals to a broad range of student interests.
KM – I interpret this two ways. This means that we’ll aim to have events that unify the entire student body. Nearly impossible, but having big events like Kilter, Jazz on the Overlook, and Exam Cram are things that make sure anyone and everyone feels welcome and thought of. But this also means that we’ll have a variety of events to appeal to the many interests held within the student body. As I discussed in my previous post, maybe that means going to a different kind of event even though it’s not a dance party (if that’s your thing) or going to a Scotsfan day (even if you were born with two left feet). 

Section 2—CAB Makeup

A.  The Campus Activities Board will be led by the CAB Director.

B.  The CAB will be made up of a group of students to assist the director in planning and realizing campus events.  It is recommended that this board be made up of at least four students, a chair of each of the following committees:
Notice the word realize. I think that sometimes we need to plan for the unplanned. As much as we love to know everything that’s going to happen at the start of each semester, if you (the student body) bring to our attention an event that ought to happen (for example, an outreach event following the disaster in Japan), then I believe CAB ought to take that into consideration.
1.   Advertising Committee – responsible for the student body’s knowledge of and (to an extent) perception of CAB and all CAB-sponsored events.  The committee chair will appoint a committee that will utilize and manage the following resources: the CAB Facebook account, WKLT radio spots, Weekly Sheet announcements, Bagpipe advertisements, the CAB board and e-board, Poster Distribution, and other resources.
We’ve sort of re-named this position – the Communication Chair. Basically this chair (Liz Somerville) will take creative advertising to the next level. Look for promotional videos for events, posters, hand-outs, freebies, T-Shirts, etc. In addition to all the usual stuff, she’ll be taking care of this blog. I am so excited to have her inspiration for this specific purpose. 
2.   Student Community Coordinator (SCC) – responsible for encouraging school spirit.  He/she is responsible for the planning and execution of Scots Fan Days in order to create a connection between athletes and fans, assisting the concert committee in the Student Artist Series, and other on-campus events with the exception of Jazz on the Overlook.
We’ll actually have our Concerts Chair (John Drexler) handle the Student Artist Series.
3.   Special Events Committee – responsible for off-campus events such as Kilter, Mistletoe Mingle, Spring Banquet and certain on-campus events such as Jazz on the Overlook.
Actually…we’re trying to have Special Events take care of off-campus events and the Community Coordinator (listed above) take care of on-campus events. 
4.  Concert Committee – responsible for hosting quality musical acts at Covenant College.  They will pursue and book bands and musicians, coordinating at least one concert in the fall semester, and will also orchestrate the Baker Tree Festival in the spring semester.

C. CAB Members:
1.   May be removed from office by Senate or the director for failing to fulfill their responsibilities.
2.   Must gain approval for all events from the CAB director and the Dean of Students.
3.   Must attend all CAB meetings unless excused by the Director or Director of Student Leadership.
4.   Must attend all CAB events, with the exception of one per semester as approved by the Director and the Director of Student Leadership.
5.   Will work with the CAB Director to see that finances are managed responsibly and that funds are properly requisitioned for each event.
6.   Will reserve facilities and equipment well in advance of activities as necessary.
7.  Will turn in a post-event report to the CAB Director no later than one week after the event.

D. The CAB director-elect will work closely with CAB during the Spring semester so as to be fully trained upon assuming office. He/she will receive an honorarium in the amount of $100.00 to be paid quarterly during the Spring semester.

Section 3 – CAB Director
The CAB Director will:

A.  Appoint CAB members.
B.  Direct CAB members in planning and realizing campus activities.
C.  Request authorization from the newly elected Senate within the first three weeks in office to spend a specific amount of SACC funds over the summer.
D. Report regularly to the Dean of Students, or his/her designee, as an advisee.
E.  Schedule and conduct regular meetings of CAB to discuss and approve all activities.
F.  Update and correct the CAB manual to include a list of the year’s events and all pertinent information concerning those events, such as cost and location.
G.  Submit an operating budget to Student Senate within fourteen days of the beginning of each semester.
H. Work closely with the Senate treasurer to insure that finances are managed responsibly and that funds are properly requisitioned.

So does any of that make sense? If so – great. If not…let’s continue to talk. As usual I’m all ears, so let me know if you have questions, thoughts, inspirations, or criticisms.


Learning big things.

As just a few of you know, I’ve been able to get my feet wet with CAB over this past year as the Special Events Chair. Whether you liked or hated these events, I was in charge of Kilter, Mistletoe Mingle, Soiree, and Spring Formal. The feedback I got, in general, was very affirmative. But there’s always room for criticism, right? And boy, am I welcome to it. I’ve found that if you let criticism define you, you’ll end up hurt, frustrated, and feeling quite helpless. On the other hand…if you push criticism away, you’re a lot less likely to grow in the ways you most need it.

In that light, CAB conducted a survey just this past spring to get a feel for what some of those trouble areas were. Here’s what we learned.

– Usually no one can tell if it’s a CAB event or an event hosted by some class, group, club, major, or whatever. The host/sponsor for each of our events needs to be clear. My goal is to make CAB loud and proud. I want to make sure you know (1) when there is a CAB event, and (2) who we are. We’ll be wearing CAB shirts, and I’ll be sure that CAB’s logo and presence is unmistakable.

– Scotsfan days have been lacking, to put it in a nice way. Covenant isn’t too big into sporting events (unless that sport is men’s varsity soccer….and we’re playing Bryan College). But as a general rule, we don’t embrace the athletic department in the same way that many other colleges do. My pet project this year (aside of supporting the four chairs this year) will be to add a little pizazz to these Scotsfan days. Free tees. Door prizes. Dancing competition. Halftime races. Look for all that and more. There’s only one thing I ask of you – pick a friend (or a few) and attend events like this. Ones that give you an opportunity to support the school, but specifically, your peers.

– The things that matter most to you are low/no cost and the overal ambiance of an event. Everything else falls into place. My hope is that each event you attend will be one step into another world for just a few hours. It’s the least we can do.

– Some of you felt like your opinions didn’t matter. The primary way that we collected feedback was through the end of the year survey…and through word of mouth. As students who are funding everything we are able to do, your opinion matters most. Feel free to attend our meetings. And even if you’re not sure about what an event is… email us, stop us in the Great Hall, write on our Facebook wall, or just come out to the event. Give things a try. We love hearing from you.

Those are the things we’ve learned. I have just one thing for you. One plea. We got a lot of feedback about the Miami Horror concert. And to be honest, we didn’t have as many attendees as we seemed to have “strong opinions.” Aside of the fact that the concert was on a Thursday night (yeah, it was the only night that worked for them) and that you were probably studying for a test of sorts, there were a lot of people who didn’t go because they thought it was just one of those bands only Founders groupies would like. I’ve got news for you. I don’t live in Founders, I’m not a hipster, and I’m not a music guru. (Maybe all three of those are synonymous? Haha.) But my biggest frustration is when people assume what an event is going to be like and judge it…without actually experiencing it. Miami Horror (with Jumbling Towers) was an excellent show regardless of your age, gender, residence building, likes, dislikes, major, etc.

So my plea is this – try new things. There’s a saying somewhere that people don’t like what they don’t know. That’s the perfect phrase to describe this frustration. There’s an easy solution. Experience new things. And if you don’t like doing that on your own, bring a friend. The worst that happens is that you show up for 30 minutes (for a study break, of course)…and leave. You probably got a free show, free food, or free something. And the best that could happen? Well, you’ll only know if you actually show up.

I am looking forward to working for you and among you. I am always up for conversation and look forward to meeting so many of you over the course of the year. Our Communications chair, Liz, will be doing most of the upkeep on this site, but I’ll do my best to keep you updated as time goes on!
